- Group Profile
- Company Profile
- Cadbury Advertisement
- Retail and Consumer Habits of Malaysians and Singaporeans
- Comparison Chart - benefits to franchisees and franchisors
- Assignment Outline
- Assignment Presentation Slides
- Business Practices Presentation Slides
- Report
- Business Plan
- Mind Map (Acquisitions and mergers)
- Honda Advertisement Analysis
Monday, 23 November 2009
Group B - Blog Assessment
Group A - Blog Assessment
- Group Profile - with pictures of group members if possible
- Company profile
- Cadbury Advertisement
- Cover letter
- Memorandum
- Business plan
- Assignment Outline
- Assignment Presentation Slides
- Mind-map (Acquisitions and mergers)
- Honda Advertisement Analysis
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Tasks and Reminders
Please ensure that all the relevant blog entries have been uploaded as I will be checking and awarding marks by Sunday, 15th November 2009.
New tasks
As we have come to almost the end of your module, I have decided to simplify the last two tasks as I know that you are all busy preparing for your final examinations.
The blog tasks are as stated below :
Task 1
Read up on the reference at http://www.economywatch.com/mergers-acquisitions/benefits.html and produce a mind-map on the main points of the text. You can produce your mind-map on powerpoint and then save it as a .jpeg file and upload it on your blog.
Task 2
Watch a Honda commercial at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKIXW9wBWXo and decide if the commercial is effective. Discuss your group response in one or two paragraphs.
Both tasks are due by 20th November 2009
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Grammar Guide - Imperatives
We can use imperatives to do any of the below :
Give orders - Do your homework
Give instruction - Turn to page 31 of your course book.
Give strong advice - Make sure that you work harder for the next exam.
We can also use imperatives to form emphatic statement.
Do invite us for your wedding.
Grammar Guide - Conditionals
- the "if" clause
- the main clause
- I will thumb a lift from him if he goes.
- If he goes, I will thumb a lift.
There are four types of conditionals :
- The first conditional - talks about possibilities in the future, used when results are habitual or automatic
- The second conditional - talks about unreal situations in the present or the future
- The third conditional - talks about unreal situations in the past, impossible situations
- Zero conditional
The structure of the conditional :
- First conditional -if clause (present simple verb), main clause (future tense - will + base form)
- Second conditional - if clause (past tense verb), main clause (would + base form)
- Third conditional - if clause (past perfect tense), main clause (would have + past participle)
- If he arrives late, he will miss the flight.
- If I had a million ringgit, I would travel around the world.
- If he had worked harder, he would have scored straight As in the exam.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Grammar Guide - Adverbs
- modify a verb
- modify an adjective
- mody another adverb
- modify a phrase
- modify a clause
Adverbs are typically formed by adding an -ly to an adjective
Example : quiet (adj) - quietly (adv)
Adverbs answer questions such as :
- how
- when
- how
- where
- how much
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Grammar Guide - Adjectives
They can describe the following :
- Size
- Shape
- Colour
- Origin
- Material
- Texture
- Opinion and many others
- Adjectives can be used in two positions in a sentence.
- Attribute - before a noun
- eg : The handsome boy is my classmate
- Predicative - after the verb
- eg : He is intelligent
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Grammar Presentation List - Group A
Please check once again the dates for your group presentations. Although I have noted all dates for Mondays, the presentations will normally be on Tues during our double period
Please note that these are the dates for your grammar presentation. Ensure that during your presentation, you provide enough examples and exercises for your friends to practice the grammar item.
Lim Yan Ping, Christine Loh (Make and do)
Chua Kai Xin, Lee Chen Hong (Used to do, used to be doing)
Sherwynn Choi, Ng Chai Ying, Bruce Wong (Imperatives)
Sim Kuan Liang, Woh Xian Ting, Ng Yap Siang (Adjectives)
Ng Wen Xian, Yow Hui Chean, Wong Hui Ying (Adverbs)
Ng Hui Shan, Tay Boon Cherng, Seng Wei, Eric, Ming Zhi (Conditionals)
Andrea Poon, Angeline Lim (Allow, Enable, Let etc)
Chong Liang Wai, Yim Kien Zhong, Ong Keen Hong (The Passive)
Soon Leong, Jasmin, Hui Min (Nouns and Prepositions)
Kho Kar Hua, Aw Bing Xing, Prem (Phrasal Verbs)
Ho Yong Shen, Shaun Jit Singh (Reported Speech)
Ng Hui Shan, Tan Mui Kim (Articles)
Eric Phoon, Pung Khai Keong, Kok Chee Kian (Modals)
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Memo Writing Task _ Group A
You have received the following e-mail from your company’s President. He wants you to inform all staff and department heads of the below.
Date : 8th November 2009
Time: 9.30 – 4.30pm
For all members of staff
Attendance compulsory for all staff.
Staff have to be dressed in company uniform.
Staff must be punctual at all times.
Staff are encouraged to conduct discussions in English.
Heads of Department to take attendance of their members of staff.
Head of Human Resource Department to ensure that training room is ready for the training one day before.
There must be enough chairs and tables for all. Stationery (Pens, Paper, Paper file) must be provided.
Arrangements also need to be made for refreshments (One hot drink, one bottle of mineral water and lunch for all staff that are attending the course)
Write a memo to all department heads and members of staff to ensure that they get the information above.
You are also encouraged to add additional details about the customer service training and the do’s and don’ts during the training.
Task :
Write a memo
Friday, 18 September 2009
Used to do Vs Be used to doing
"Used to do" is used to describe a habitual action in the past. Typically, the action is already finished in present time.
EG :
He used to play football every evening (he doesn't do so now)
He used to sleep early. (he doesn't do so now)
Be used to doing
"Be used to doing" is habitual action (present)
EG :
He is used to sleeping in class. (he still does it now...and does it frequently)
He is used to skipping 8.30 lectures (he still does it now)
Grammar Guide - Make and Do
As everyone knows, using the words "make" and "do" can be quite confusing, especially when both the Malay and Chinese language only have one corresponding word.
Make is generally used to mean constructing, building, creating, producing.
It is normally followed by a physical product.
Eg :make tea, make chicken rice, make a cup of coffee.
There are also collocative phrases with "make", eg : make a date, , make progress.. in this phrases, the product cannot be seen yet the verb "make" is still used.
Do is normally used to describe an action, a task, or some sort of work.
Eg : do the ironing, do homework
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Monday, 7 September 2009
Tasks - Group A
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Group B - Task for 3/9/09
- Edit your profile and add a bloglist to your blog.
- Write a short comparison report of Malaysian and Singaporean retail trends
- Design a promotional brochure/ leaftlet for a company of your choice