Please take note that your assignment presentation will be this coming THURSDAY, 4th February 2010, from 10.30 - 12.30 .... please ensure that all your materials are ready to go on that day....

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Comments - Task 4 and 5

Generic Comments

All groups are encourage to list down the website where you got your information from. Remember that plagiarism is the number 1 sin in any academic course


I enjoyed reading the business practices of China. I can see that you have been a lot of work in researching this. However I would like to really hear your “own” group voice. It would indeed interesting to see how the business practices of China are similar/ different from that of Malaysia.

You have quoted good examples of ways to contribute to the environment. Your points could however do with more explanation and expansion, including listing companies that actually practice such environmentally-friendly methods.


I would have liked your discussion on the ways to promote environmentally-friendly practices to be more thorough by giving me examples of specific companies that implement such practices.

I liked the way you presented the business practices of Japan, complete with the pictures. Your discussion however is more focused on Japan, as a nation and I would have liked to see your discussion of the business practices, and possibly the reasons why such practices are norm in Japan.

First Time

Is your discussion of ways to contribute to environmentally-friendly causes focused solely on the automobile industry? I am unclear here as you only seem to focus on the different developments in the automobile industry. How can this be related to other businesses?

Your discussion of the Korean business practices is thorough and well-developed. Good work!!!


Your post on the business practices seems to have gone “Missing”. Did you forget to upload the content?

Your discussion on the different ways is quite good but requires more examples. Would like to see this expanded upon.


Well done with both tasks for the week. You could improve on the one focused on environment by adding some “real-life” example companies that practice the different ways.

The write-up on India is interesting. You could improve it by having some pictures attached to the blog post.

My style

You were the only group to give me examples in the task on business and the environment…well done for that. You could actually expand on this more….as you didn’t quite explain the different ways though.

Your discussion on the business practices is concise and easy to read. You could include some pictures though.